Dr. Lopez on How To Survive The Holiday Season

 In Advice, Holidays, Weight Loss

Holidays are hard when working on weight loss and becoming “healthier.” What everyone needs to remember, is to “maintain” as best as possible. This is a special, family-oriented time of year and I do not want you feeling guilty but want you feeling proud that you succeeded. Success is measured in different ways. Maybe you went to all of the gatherings and didn’t gain or lose anything significant. Maybe you did gain at an event, but did well other days and were able to lose as well, so it all evened out in the end.

A few tips:

  • Try to eat “smaller portions” so you don’t have to deprive yourself
  • Drink more water at events rather than alcohol.
  • Walk a little further.
  • Avoid eating late.

I have patients who cancel their appointments as they feel it is useless, a waste of time… Remember – we are here to HELP! We have suggestions, recipes, and tricks to use to help you keep on track even with some cheating. What is the wrong thing, is to skip your appointment. Remember “out of sight, is out of mind” and if you skip your appointment, you do not remain mindful of what you are doing.

We hope you have a wonderful, blessed holiday season. Enjoy time with family and friends, and, at the least stop by our office for shots – you will need the energy to shop and to withstand the stress of the season!

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