The Misconception About Lipotropic Injections: How They Can Help


You’ve probably heard of lipotropic injections. They’re often paired with diet and weight loss plans offered from a variety of weight-loss clinic’s internet, t.v, and radio ads. The stuff seems to be everywhere, but its popularity in advertisements can be disconcerting. 

If your like me, your extremely skeptical about what you hear and see in television ads, especially if they involve weight-loss. The industry seems to have a brand new gimmick for us everyday. Anything that is “injectable” is especially alarming to me when its being advertised as a weight loss solution.

So what are lipotropic injections really? I quickly realized that when i searched for lipotropic injections on google, the the only information I would find would come from sources who wanted to sell me some vials of the stuff. So I found an article in American Fitness Journal by Yusef M. Saleeby MD entitled “Lipotropic Agents: The Science Behind Weight Management”.

Saleeby gives a brief overview of the history and research behind lipotropic agents from a clinical weightless perspective using terms, quite easily understood by the lay person (me). Originally used to treat fatty liver disease in the 1930’s, lipotropics are now popularly perceived as a general weight loss solution especially when paired with HCG hormone treatments for obese patients. Lipotropic injections are not only useful in reducing targeted areas of fat, but reducing medical risks associated with fat build up in the organs as well.

” Not only may they be useful in mobilizing fats for weight loss, but they help in reversing the detrimental lipid build-up in organs, especially the liver, that can lead to disease and illness.”

Liprotropic agents are versatile in their effectiveness across the health spectrum helping patients who struggle with obesity, diabetes and metabolic syndrome. With good nutritional counseling and dietary protocols doctors and nutritionist who administer the injections can help patients lose and control their weight.



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