Why Fruit May Be Stalling Your Weight Loss

 In Healthy Foods, Sugary Foods

Losing weight can be frustrating, especially when you think you’re doing everything right and nothing’s happening.

You’ve purged your pantry, hidden the Häagen-Dazs, and freed your fridge of everything but fresh fruits, veggies, water, and healthy foods to lose weight, but still you’re stalled. You don’t have sugary snacks anymore; instead, you’ve swapped your Skittles for ripe bananas, apples, and raisins just like everyone says you should, but the scale won’t budge. Why? Have you ever wondered if it’s the fruit?

San Antonio weight loss clinic

Why Fruit Hinders Weight Loss

Is fruit bad for weight loss? Think about it this way: If someone offered you seven cubes of sugar as a diet snack, you’d turn them down. However, that’s roughly the amount in an average apple. Are bananas better? A typical banana contains about 19 grams of sugar, or 4.5 cubes. What about raisins? A teeny 1.5-ounce box will give a whopping eight and a half cubes’ worth. By adding strawberries to your oatmeal, grapes to your yogurt, and a smoothie to your dinner, you may have eaten as much sugar as in a small chocolate shake. This could explain why your weight goals have stalled in spite of your dedication and hard work!

But What About Nutrition?

The argument many people make for including fruit in our diets typically rests on fruit’s nutritional value. Bananas contain potassium; oranges are rich in Vitamin C and folate; grapefruit has Vitamin A, and all have fiber. This is certainly true, and in circumstances where people have limited access to vitamins, a supply of fruit can be essential. But is fruit bad for weight loss? Well, there’s no doubt that mangos are better for you than M & Ms, but a healthy diet plan often begins by limiting fruits at first before gradually adding lower-impact choices like watermelon or cantaloupe. If you are eating healthy foods to lose weight, consider cutting back on fruit and choose a doctor-approved multivitamin instead.

You’ve Got a Friend in Be Well 365

Weight loss is tough because no two bodies are exactly the same. A diet strategy that worked for a friend won’t necessarily work for you. Each journey is different, but you don’t have to travel that road alone. It can be incredibly helpful to have someone sit down with you personally and listen to your weight loss goals, your struggles, your fears, your hopes and then plan out with you a specific strategy for your nutrition — not just a one-size-fits-all approach. Partnering with Be Well 365 gets you just that, a customized approach to your weight loss goals. Schedule a consultation today with San Antonio’s leading weight loss and nutrition specialists. 

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