Give Yourself the BEST Gift in 2014

 In General

You may consider yourself a giving person, generous, willing to reach out and help in a moment’s notice. Some of us are just like that. We give and give, asking nothing in return, but have you ever felt drained, tired and just unenthusiastic? Does the fact that you don’t feel like being that kind of person at times bother you? It’s not that you’re being selfish. It might simply be that you are unwell physically – and as a result, mentally.

Most people who spend a lot of their time on others rarely have time to focus on themselves. You may be a mom, a single father, a volunteer at your local shelter, a teacher, or just a really loving friend. You make sure others are feeling good, that they are well, but you do it at the expense of your own well-being. Sometimes people see this and praise you for your sacrifice. This can feel good, but in the long run you can be doing yourself and others a disservice.

That’s why in 2014 Be Well 365 challenges you to give yourself the best gift – the gift of health. We want you to be happy, healthy, and living life to the fullest. You can’t do that if you don’t focus on yourself once in a while. How can you be there for the people you love in the capacity you want to if you’re not 100%?

Let our MD Board certified San Antonio physician Dr. Eva Lopez help you set goals and achieve them. She cares not just about your health, but your happiness. You can talk to her as you would a friend. With her years of experience in the medical and weight-loss field, she has seen it all and approaches every patient with a unique, caring perspective. Under her care and with some proven strategies, you can become the person you want to be in 2014 – inside AND out.

Call us today at 210-690-5515 to speak to one of our nutritionists or weight-loss physicians or send us a direct message!


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