Common Signs of Thyroid Problems

 In thyroid problems, Weight Loss

thyroid problems

You’ve probably heard the medical term thyroid being kicked around. Some may say they have a thyroid disorder or some sort of other ailment, but what really do they mean? What is the purpose of the thyroid and what are some common signs that your own thyroid may be acting up?

The thyroid is a gland that is one of the largest endocrine glands in the entire human body. These two connected lobes are located in the neck (below the Adam’s apple if you’re male) as the thyroid cartilage surrounding the larynx. The thyroid is an often overlooked part of the body that is responsible for some its most important function such as energy distribution, protein synthesis, and hormone sensitivity.

It’s thought that at least 30,000,000 million Americans suffer from sort of thyroid disorder. Many of these individuals are living their lives as silent sufferers, because often thyroid conditions can go undiagnosed. In particular, women are up to ten time more likely to have a thyroid disorder than men. Some of the most common signs that your thyroid may not be working properly are:


There may be a variety of other reasons why you feel so tired, but sometimes a thyroid condition known as hypothyroidism is to blame. The reason for this is that the thyroid’s hormone production is low. If you’re consistently getting adequate sleep and are still tired, it may be time to go to the doctor.


Since the thyroid is responsible for regulating some hormones, when it fails to function as it should, this can put our moods out of whack. When hormone levels fall so does our mood.

Changes in Appetite

If your thyroid is overproducing hormones you may experience sudden changes in appetite that will have you feeling hungrier than normal. An underactive thyroid; however, can wreak havoc on your senses of taste and smell.

Trouble Focusing

Thyroid problems don’t just affect how you feel – they can affect how you think. A hyperactive thyroid can make you feel as if your brain is racing from one though to the next. Lower hormone levels can make you feel fuzzy-headed and foggy.

If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms for a prolonged period of time, contact us at Be Well 365 to schedule an appointment to assess whether or not these are signs of a thyroid problem.


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