Are Multivitamins Really Beneficial To My Overall Health?


Do you take any sort of vitamin supplement? A multivitamin perhaps? The fact is that more and more people are getting better about taking the vitamins, but what we need to realize is that vitamins in excess can be harmful. Large doses of vitamins are not recommended as they exceed any natural amount of the nutrients you would get from eating the healthiest diet. Another misconception is that vitamins can cure certain ailments and even stress! Although they may benefit your overall health when combined with a healthy diet, they shouldn’t be relied on to cure illness. As always you should consult your doctor before taking any.

Vitamins are very good for you and may even make us feel better from day to day. Thats why Dr. Oz shares with us his responsible use of three key vitamin supplements, which is especially useful for those (like me) who are often confused and overwhelmed by the vitamin aisle at the supermarket!



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