One-armed San Antonio weight lifter continues to raise the bar

 In Success Stories

“It’s absolutely the best thing that could have happened to me,” she says with downward gaze, “So much good has come out of it.” These could have been the rehearsed words of any athlete speaking in reference to the passion they have for their sport, but Crystal Cantu isn’t just any athlete and she isn’t talking about her love of Crossfit.

Last year, Crystal was involved in a horrific car accident in San Antonio, TX when a tire blew out on the car she was riding in with her boyfriend. Her right arm was pinned and crushed, leading surgeons to advise Crystal that amputation was necessary. With great courage she replied, “Take it off.”

Since her surgery it has been a journey on the road to recovery of both body and mind. Crystal’s passion for Crossfit was further enflamed after her accident and has given her a new motivation she didn’t possess before. “After the accident, everything just increased dramatically,” says Crystal. “Now I can deadlift with one arm. My latest deadlift was 210 (lbs).”

Crystal doesn’t do what she does for attention or even to inspire others. She trains hard every day because it’s what she loves to do. She is a shining example of how adversity can make you stronger and fill you with purpose and passion for life.

Overcome your Health Obstacles

At Be Well 365 we’re involved in changing people’s lives for the better through health and wellness. Even if you feel discouraged or that you have tried it all and nothing works, remember that no obstacle is too great to overcome.  Just like Crystal, you can face adversity head on an accomplish your health goals. You have the power to do it!


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