Moxie’s Musings: Get a Whole Week Off Work & Chores for Just Me Me Me

 In Moxie's Musings

Day 4, Counseling

CORE and RAMP Assessments

I am not a morning person. But this morning I actually woke up in a good mood – a little apprehensive still, but also excited to see what Day 4 of Destination: Transformation would bring. For the first time in years, when I woke up today I wasn’t tired, and I wasn’t hungry. Could it be that these small changes are actually making such a difference in my life so quickly? I’ve tried making changes before with limited success, but I got discouraged quickly every time. Maybe it’s because Transformation: Destination week is all about ME – paying full attention to myself, taking care of myself, and working on myself… and only on myself. No one and nothing else. I’m not worried about getting to work on time, preparing that report that’s up against an impossible deadline, dropping by the post office to mail a birthday card, what I’m going to cook for dinner, stopping by the grocery store because I’m missing a key ingredient or three, how I need to throw in a load of laundry while the chicken is baking, and after that wash dinner dishes and then find I haven’t had time to take our dog Boris for a walk… yet again. I miss The Boy, but it’s really kind of nice to be lazy and not do any chores or work for a week.

But that’s not entirely accurate. I am working, and I do have chores assigned to me. It’s just that Dr. Lopez and the BeWell365 team make it all seem so fun and… well, indulgent. I haven’t had a facial, a haircut, a massage, or even a manicure. Yet I feel more pampered than I did after a big spa day on my 40th birthday ten years ago. Which reminds me… I’d like to do that again, sometime.

Back in Dr. Lopez’s office, I’m given a chair and a little private space and time to pull out my iPad and follow the link to take an assessment test called CORE. Ooh fun! I remember how my college roommates and I used to drink pink champagne and quiz each other with each new issue of Cosmo. Do you prefer kissing with your eyes closed, or gazing at him with a smoldering look? Are you a fan of walking on the beach hand-in-hand, or working up a sweat with him while salsa dancing ‘til the wee hours? Tally up your answers; if you got mostly A’s, you’re An Adventurer. Mostly B’s, A Romantic. An even number of both A and B answers, and most likely you’re just giggly drunk with your girlfriends over this month’s totally unscientific and marginally amusing time-waster. But hey, it was a small break from Calculus and Comms Law.

The CORE quiz is nowhere near as mindless; I have to really stop and think to answer these questions. I had been told to set aside about 45 minutes – they weren’t kidding. But the time actually flies by, because each question is quite interesting and really gets me thinking about myself and my life. I finish and e-mail it to Kim Mittelstadt, Founder and Director of KM Impressions. Kim is more than just a life coach; she’s certified as a CORE and RAMP practitioner and she runs her own business. Some years ago I did some work for start-up companies associated with the Small Business Administration – where I gained a tremendous amount of admiration and respect for entrepreneurs. Not for the faint or fearful.

Kim and I are scheduled to meet later in the afternoon and discuss my CORE quiz and answers. For now, it’s off to meet another member of the Destination: Transformation team to grab lunch and then go shopping!

*Result may vary. Not all diets are right for all people, and weight loss is never guaranteed. 


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