Effective Allergy Treatment in San Antonio

 In Allergy testing, Health News

allergy treatment in san antonio

More than 40 million American suffer from seasonal allergies each year. With springtime upon us and about to turn into a full tilt of wind-swept cedar pollen and sneezes, you may want some insight into how you can help yourself or your loved ones make it through the coming assault on your sinuses. Here is your guide to effective allergy treatment in San Antonio.

Antihistamines are Your Friend

Antihistamines are drugs that inhibit the action of histamine in the body by blocking the receptors of histamine. There are two types of histamine receptors H1 and H2. When H1 receptors are stimulated by histamine it may produce allergic reactions such as itching, hay fever and rash or hives. So antihistamines work by making sure that the receptors cannot hold any histamines in them. So while you still may have pollen on your person, its effects will by greatly mitigated. Remember to consult your physician before taking over-the-counter drugs.

Wash Clothes and Bedding

There are millions of particles floating around in the air outside. Bacteria, pollen, seeds, mold, and spores all become attached to your skin and clothes just by walking around. It’s important during allergy season to make sure that your clothes are as clean as they can be. In particular, you should pay special attention to your bed and wash your sheets more often as they can have many pollen particles accumulating from your days coming to and fro.

Saline Washes

Sometimes even an antihistamine isn’t enough to curb allergy symptoms. Sometimes this happens because there are allergens trapped in the sinuses and especially the nasal cavity. A good way to remove these allergens is to administer a saline wash. Saline washes are just salty fluid that you use to flush your nose out. The salty water soothes while rinsing out any pollen that may be present in your nostrils.

Schedule your Activities

Allergies are even worse if you happen to be someone who likes to spend time outdoors. In order to avoid letting pesky pollen get the best of you, avoid spending time outdoors between the hours of 10am-2pm when allergen counts may be at their highest. In addition, one of the best times to be outside is right after a Spring rain because the air is fresh and cleared of particles in the atmosphere.

Get Tested

The best way to treat your allergies is to get tested. While generic drugs may help, knowing if you are particularly susceptible to certain allergens may allow you to pinpoint and treat them with specific prescriptions. At Be Well 365 we administer a comprehensive allergy test that will reveal exactly what’s bothering you. Spring is here, don’t suffer. Come in to Be Well 365 for testing and treatment today.

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